BLOG Top 5 Preventative Measures to Keep Wildlife Out of Your Attic Oct 09, 2024

Living in an area with abundant wildlife can be very rewarding, but it can also come with its challenges. One common issue that homeowners face is wildlife finding their way into their attics. Not only can this be a nuisance, but it can also cause damage to your property. To help you keep wildlife out of your attic, we have compiled a list of the top 5 preventative measures you can take.

1. Seal Entry Points: The first step in keeping wildlife out of your attic is to seal any potential entry points. Inspect your home for any gaps, cracks, or holes that could serve as an entryway for animals. Be sure to pay special attention to areas where pipes, vents, and electrical wiring enter your home. Use materials such as steel wool, caulk, and wire mesh to seal off these entry points.

2. Trim Trees and Bushes: Wildlife such as squirrels and raccoons can easily gain access to your attic by using overhanging tree branches or bushes as a bridge to your roof. To prevent this, keep trees and bushes trimmed away from your home. This will not only prevent animals from using them as a pathway but will also make it more difficult for them to access your roof.

3. Install Chimney Caps and Vent Screens: Chimneys and vents are another common entry point for wildlife. Install chimney caps and vent screens to prevent animals from getting inside. These barriers will allow air to flow freely while keeping animals out.

4. Keep Your Attic Clean and Tidy: A cluttered attic can attract wildlife looking for shelter or nesting materials. Keep your attic clean and tidy to reduce the chances of animals taking up residence. Store items in plastic bins rather than cardboard boxes, as animals can easily chew through cardboard.

5. Use Wildlife Deterrents: Consider using wildlife deterrents to keep animals away from your home. Motion-activated lights, sprinklers, and ultrasonic devices can all help deter wildlife from making your attic their home. Additionally, you can sprinkle predator urine or place ammonia-soaked rags near entry points to discourage animals from entering.

By following these preventative measures, you can help keep wildlife out of your attic and protect your home from damage. If you are experiencing issues with wildlife in your attic, don't hesitate to reach out to Magnolia Wildlife Solutions for professional wildlife control services. Our team of experts can safely and humanely remove wildlife from your property and help prevent future infestations.

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